Original name: スズキ ツインレスキューサポートカー
"Twin" Rescue Support Car
- A concept car designed to carry out emergency rescue support and information gathering, in the event of a natural disaster. The power unit is a gasoline-and-electric-motor hybrid system.
- The vehicle equips rescue tools, a floodlight, automatic photography + image-transmission system, satellite phone, and personal computer, all inside the cabin, and on the roof, an electric-light bulletin board which could display various information to aid in traffic control, etc. Utilizing its compact size, the vehicle could move into disaster areas to collect information and transmit information to distant locations, and also could provide emergency rescue support.
- To make use of the electric power generating capability of the hybrid system, the vehicle has two home-use 100-volt power-source socket on the rear to supply electricity to floodlights, etc.
- Body dimensions: overall length x overall width x overall height = 2,735mm x 1,475mm x 1,710mm
- Power unit: hybrid system (660cc gasoline engine + electric motor)
- Seating capacity: 1
SOURCE: Suzuki. Please mention www.allcarindex.com if you use this text.