Why Should You Install GPS Trackers on a Motorcycle? - AllCarIndex

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Why Should You Install GPS Trackers on a Motorcycle?

Jun 06, 2024

Why Install a GPS Tracker on Your Motorcycle?

1. Real-Time Location Tracking. A GPS tracker allows you to monitor your motorcycle’s location in real-time. This is especially useful when traveling, as you can keep track of where your motorcycle is taken or left for extended periods. 

The information is accessible on any device, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones, and you can even view the route map of every ride your bike has taken.

2. Safety Alert System. Modern motorcycle GPS trackers come with an advanced geofencing feature. This technology lets you set up a virtual boundary around your bike. 

If someone enters this area without your permission, you receive instant notifications, giving you complete control over your motorcycle’s security even when you are not physically present.

Benefits Beyond Basic Tracking

Enhancing Motorcycle Security. Installing a GPS tracker primarily helps in locating your motorcycle if it's stolen.

Motorcycles made up over 25% of all motor vehicle thefts, according to the data from SEEWORLD. And this number has been increasing every year.

By trusting the protection and safety provided by this device, riders can avoid costly issues associated with motorcycle theft.

Enhanced Peace of Mind. With the knowledge that a GPS tracker is monitoring your motorcycle, you can drive without constantly worrying about theft or loss. 

If something unfortunate happens, like theft or damage, the investment in a motorcycle GPS tracker will prove to be worth every penny.

You can maintain your composure and stay focused on the road, knowing that help is on the way if needed.

Incident Reporting. Another benefit of a motorcycle GPS tracker is its ability to report incidents. 

No matter where you are, you can notify the position and time of an accident with just one tap.

This feature is not only useful for pleasing your insurance provider but can be crucial for saving lives in case of injuries during an accident or theft.

Historical Reports. Motorcycle GPS trackers provide historical reports, including location, speed, and time. 

This information is invaluable for understanding what happens if something unusual occurs with your motorcycle. You can always track past movements and ensure everything is in order.

Improved Rider Security. Consider the risk of breaking down far from civilization. A motorcycle GPS tracker helps you stay connected with your bike’s whereabouts, reducing the danger associated with long waits for help in remote areas, especially in bad weather or poor lighting conditions.

While it’s not a substitute for having someone nearby, it ensures that assistance will likely arrive soon if needed.

Cost Reduction. Installing a GPS tracker can save motorcyclists money by securing insurance discounts and increasing the resale value of their motorcycle. 

Many riders find peace of mind knowing that their bike is protected and that any issues can be quickly addressed. This peace of mind makes handling emergencies easier and more manageable.