7 Key Warning Signs of Brake Problems - AllCarIndex

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7 Key Warning Signs of Brake Problems

Apr 13, 2021

Do you know that your car brakes have a lifespan, and you need to service them regularly? You may also need to replace them to work correctly. Your car brakes are an essential safety component. Fortunately, your car may give you signs that your brakes have a problem. Sometimes these indicators may include some harmless noise. Highlighted below are key warning signs of brake problems.

Worn Out Brake Pad

When you physically check your brake pads, you can determine their condition. You can view between the wheels spoke. When your pads are thin, that is, they are less than a quarter-inch thick, you better replace them.

Leaks in Your Car Fluid

If you feel your car has a soft brake pedal, it's time for a motor vehicle specialist like https://www.pedders.com.au to check your fluid leak. The leak may be from the master cylinder or in the brake systems. The master cylinder creates power for the car brakes. It has a reservoir that contains the brake fluid.

When you are applying your brakes, the fluid passes through piping which creates hydraulic pressure. Whenever a leak happens in this system, there is insufficient power to force your brake pads to clamp hard.

Burning Odor When Driving

When you are driving, and some smoke comes from a wheel, it may be due to a stuck brake caliper. If this happens, you better see a technician immediately since it's unsafe for you to continue driving.

When your car has a sharp chemical smell after you repeatedly hard break on steep roads, your brakes might have overheated. Hence, you need to pull over and allow your brakes to cool. If you continue driving, your brake fluid may heat to a boiling point, causing brake failure.

Slow Response When Stopping

When you are driving, and you need to apply your emergency brakes, but these brakes are not responding as they should, it's a sign of a problem. The slow response may be due to a leak in the brake system. It's best if your mechanic did a check-up since the leak could be in the brake fluid or brake horse.

Screeching Sound

When you apply your brakes and hear a high pitching sound, it's time to call your mechanic. This sound is a warning that you need to replace your pads because they are getting low.

Alternatively, if you have new pads and you hear screeching sounds, there exists a problem. The loud sound may be due to your glazed rotors. When you brake excessively, it heats up and burns the metal, which causes the glazing. Therefore, it's best to avoid slamming on the breaks while at high speeds regularly. Your rotors can burn.

Break Light Turning On

When your car is due for inspection, your break indicator may light up. Alternatively, it could be warning you of a problem. Hence you can consult with your mechanic to verify and sort the issue.

Your Car Pulling to One Side

When you are breaking, and you feel your car is pulling on one side, there is an issue you need to sort. The problem could be because your brake linings are worn unevenly hence needs adjustments. The pulling feeling could also be due to some foreign particles in the brake fluids. Therefore, your mechanic will have to drain and replace the fluid.

If you have a car, it's best to listen to what your breaks could be telling you. The brake issues' key indicators include worn-out pads, leaks in the car fluid, brake light turning on, your car pulling to one side, screeching sounds, and slow response when stopping. Car experts like pedders.com.au/ will always help sort out your brake's issues.